The Park Kajetany Hotel is a perfect place for your cosy and atmospheric business EVENT near Warsaw away from the hustle and bustle. Around the Park Kajetany Hotel there is a vast, fenced green area, which is a perfect place to organize outdoor business events and family picnics up to 300 people.
  • Stylish "Góralska chata"
  • Sunbed area
  • Restaurant with access to the garden
  • Vast green area adjacent to the hotel
  • Parking for 150 cars, parking for buses
  • Picnic menu from 80 PLN/person
  • Catering for children from 45 PLN/person.
For fans of active forms of recreation we have outdoor playgrounds (basketball, beach volleyball and badminton), and for the youngest there isma playground and a mini zoo with forest animals, ornate birds and horses.
There are some additional attractions:
  • Bowling
  • Relaxation in the swimming pool area of our hotel.


Piotr Kaczmarek

phone: +48 607 222 898
